Tuesday 21 June 2016

Review: Duskfall by Christopher Husberg (Chaos Queen #1)


Stuck with arrows and close to death, a man is pulled from the icy waters of the Gulf of Nahl. Winter, a seemingly quiet young fisherman’s daughter, harbours a secret addiction that threatens to destroy her. A young priestess, Cinzia, must face a long journey home to protect her church from rebellion. A rebellion sparked by her sister.

Three characters on different paths will be brought together by fate on one thrilling and perilous adventure.

Its always a little daunting when you receive a book from a new voice in a genre, a book that barely has any reviews you can quickly read through and simple one you know little about. Duskfall was all that. A new Author and absolutely no reviews that I could find. However it just sounded amazing and I had to take a risk. And it has absolutely paid off. This is a new refreshing book in one of my favourite genres, fantasy.

The story follows 3 characters all with their own path, past and secrets. Knot is found drowning in the sea and he has no memory of who he is. However he does have dreams, which seem like memories, but he does not like those dreams at all. He discovers he knows how to fight and he has lots of other useful skills he has no clue how he acquired. Winter is a Tiellan woman, who has been on board of the ship that has found Knot. She is about to discover that she has more power then she could ever imagine and that she has a fate she can not escape. Priestess Cinzia returns home after years of being away, finding her sister branded as a heretic. She is hoping that she can save her sister and her family from any further trouble her sisters rebelling against the church could bring to their door. They all follow their own paths, not knowing that it will lead them together. They might just all need each other to get to where they need to be.

How this is a debut novel, I do not know. This is well written and superbly planned out. Far beyond a clumsy first novel. The characters are all incredibly interesting, weather its the main characters or all the others they meet along the way. I love the diversity not only where the characters are concerned but also their paths and believes and experiences. Its as if we get 3 stories in one.

The world building is very refreshing, completely unique and just so damn good. I love it. And let me tell you one thing, when a vampire turned up I squeeled. Seriously. It seems those have disappeared lately and its nice to see them again. BUT this is not a vampire story, not at all. I do however feel like most authors are rather worried to touch that subject, after the twilight/vampire overload, so I really appreciate this and I freaking enjoyed it.

This is also no cliché fantasy love story, there is some romance, but it starts in the most unconventional way. Loooooved it!

What a debut!! Husberg has proven his talent with just one book and I feel like we will see much more of him in the future. I certainly can not wait to see what comes next.

Utterly original, magical and impossible to put down.

Duskfall is out TODAY!

Thank you to Philippa and Titan books for my copy in exchange for my honest and fair review.


  1. Hey, Aggie! I enjoyed reading this review of Duskfall. I'm still currently reading it myself, almost half way through. So far it's really great. It truly is very well-written.

    I just recently got into blogging and I have a post of my review of the first five chapters. Would you mind if I posted the link here? Already I'm having so much fun coming up with new posts and then writing them. I just want to help build my audience. If not that's totally cool. I understand.

    Best of luck to you. ;)

  2. Glad you are enjoying it! And welcome to blogging, you will have the best of time.

    Of course you can post your link here that's absolutely fine :)
